Vision: To produce competent Technical man power meeting the Local Industry / Para Medical & Hospital Industry requirement and also an acceptable human resource for global market in Engineering & Technology and Para medical sector.
To produce best possible Technical education to the students besides inculcating in them the values of various virtues which will enable them to become the best citizens of our country.
Long range Goals:
1. To produce quality technical education and development services to meet Industry, business, service sector and society at large.
2. To develop institution into a center of excellence by facilitating the all round development of the students.
3. To establish strong linkage with alumni for development of the institution.
4. To provide Continuing education opportunities.
Short Range Goals:
1. To secure more number of university ranks / SBTET ranks and gold medals every year.
2. To achieve minimum of 95% pass in all subjects
3. To strengthen Industry Institute Interaction.
4. To enhance resources and development center by increasing the number of collaborative projects and programmes.
5. To integrate academic and behaviour competencies so as to excel in professional and corporate environment.